What happens when we’re in a stress state? When we become stressed, we move into our sympathetic nervous system, or what is more commonly known as ‘fight or flight’. When we’re in this state it takes a conscious effort to bring us back into our parasympathetic nervous system, what is known as ‘rest and digest’.
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For many the uncertainty we are all facing and the inability to plan has been a source of stress and anxiety. Especially because we know the pandemic is still here, we are having to ‘live with it’.

Whilst there is positive news about successful vaccination trials, more information is still needed. It’s no surprise that anxiety levels have increased by up to 50% according to some studies, in recent weeks.

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Magnesium is an important mineral required by the body in order for it to stay healthy. Many health experts recommend a diet rich in magnesium for a variety of health benefits, and here you'll read a few reasons why magnesium is an important nutrient to nourish your mind and body with.
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