Struggling to sleep during lock down? You are not alone.
60% of people have experienced worse sleep during the lockdown according to a recent study by Kings College London.
Investigating the impact the pandemic has had on the sleep quality of the nation, it reveals:
52% of women have reported more disturbed sleep than usual compared to 46% of men.
Nearly 40% of respondents stated they had been sleeping a lot less than they normally would.
People who find the pandemic stressful are more than twice as likely as those who don’t to report disturbed sleep (64% vs 29%).
According to Professor Bobby Duffy, director of the KCL Policy Institute, the survey revealed “just how unsettling the pandemic and lockdown measures have been for a very large proportion of us”.
So, if you have been struggling with sleep, rest assured you are not alone.
Dr Christie Lewis shares her tips on ways to help improve your sleep
1. Avoid devices 1-2 hours before bed
Try to stay away from watching or reading the news or using your devices 2 hours before bed. Not only can the blue light emitted from devices affect you, with the constant news and uncertainty this can provoke anxiety and affect your body clock, which will certainly affect your sleep.
2. Meditation
Meditation is a useful way of calming and distracting the mind. If you’re feeling anxious before bed, try a guided meditation for 10 minutes before going to bed. Calm or Headspace are examples of meditation apps which can be a good starting point for anyone new to meditation.
3. Consistent Routine
Try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. As part of your bedtime routine find what helps you to wind down. Read a book, take a bath.